Thursday, January 23, 2014

new new new new new!

Hey guys! Look, we didn't take 100 years to post something. A lot of really gnarly skating has been going down recently and as I (Jonah) look at the team from where we started, to now, it's incredible. The Daymoon Video is going to be hands down incredible. We're proud to have every one of you aboard our spaceship and we hope you stay there. Enjoy these pictures by the lovely Mason Ross featuring mine and Ross Kilmer's delectable 'boarding. Stay retarded, friends.

credit: david bishop

well here we have it. the new stuff. we're getting there. we still got 3 beanies left at $12 each. after we sell all the beanies we will be ready to sell shirts for $10 each!! all pictures by me (mason ross) unless otherwise noted. have a good day (moon) everybody!

                                                                              -the kid wearing the spiderman button up in that picture

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Look Back on OUR 2013.

Well everyone, here we are. Daymoon and our family has made it through our first full year, and trust us, there will be many more to come. We have never been more real than now, and neither has our cause. I'd just like to stop for a minute and thank our supporters and fans and even (though there are very few) the skateboarders that look up to us, because the reason we started this company was to show people what skateboarding really is. Not what they show us. The reason this year has been such an important one to us as skateboarders, is the changes our community has gone through. We started off this year bitter, not able to comprehend the fact that the thing we live for was becoming as corrupted and commercial as football. Not to mention glorified in the same light. We were hopeless, and turned to ourselves, retreating to the underground in our art, our skating, and our music. Because the outside world was ridiculous. So we'd shred as hard as we could for this, motivated by the corruption and pissed off by those who stood in our way, and for a minute it seemed to be making a difference, at least locally. But a minute is short. And minutes pass, just like this one did. We went through a period of time where business was rough, skating was rough, and life was just rough. We had lost our inspiration, and skateboarding, for another minute, seemed dead. Crazy, right? Skateboarding dead? Couldn't happen right? We didn't think so. But even though a minute may seem short, one minute can offer up some crazy thoughts. But then skateboarding came back to life. Somewhere during the back six months, someone decided to be gnarly again. With parts put out this year by Dane Burman (Zero's Cold War), Chris Milic (in Welcome's Monarchs of Magic), Dolan Stearns (in Lurkville's Meet the Lurkers), and Gou Miyagi (in Heroin's Video Nasty), creative, individual, and just purely rad skating was showcased. And even better, it was noticed. Brands like Welcome Skateboards, Lurkville, Heroin, Surprise, Powell's re-launch, Zero, and Creature got more coverage than they ever had, pushing our favorite type of skating into full page ads on Thrasher and onto the Instagrams and Youtube accounts of countless promoters. Mislead skaters started seeing this, and respecting it. And that's all we ever wanted. We'll never be mainstream, and we'll never be making millions of dollars off skateboarding. We'll sure as hell never be on Street League. But we just wanted respect. To be acknowledged. We've been screaming so loud that we're still here that someone finally noticed. A crowning victory to the street shredding masses was Ishod Wair's crowning as Skater Of The Year 2013, the hands down most prestigious award in skateboarding history. And with that ending our year, we're walking into 2014 with a smile on our dirty faces, and a board in our dirty hands. Make this the year of Daymoon. And make sure you stay retarded.


Friday, January 3, 2014

The Daymoon Video Promo #1

The first Daymoon Video promo is finally up. Just some stuff we've collected over time to get you psyched! crank your volume up for this one.