Saturday, May 4, 2013

First Friday Downtown

First Friday is one of the gnarliest skate days imaginable. We get to go downtown (the only really good place to skate in Bakersfield) and just shred with Daymoon crew till about 10:30. This was our first photo session with Matt and it turned out really well. We filmed a few really nice clips for the full-length video, so stay excited. Tomorrow we'll be filming some more. Today was simply a definition of skateboarding, and Daymoon especially. So enjoy these photos and get hyped! We aren't disappearing, we're here to stay. We've also been coming up with some new shirt graphics, so that's rad. Go share this link on all your crappy social networks and SUBSCRIBE. Support real skateboarding, and stay retarded friends. -Jonah
matt barber\\\kickflip

jonah mousis-iriart///back heel

jonah mousis-iriart///ollie over rail
matt barber\\\back bigspin

jonah mousis-iriart
jonah///tre flip
matt barber
jonah///front board

matt\\\back board

1 comment:

  1. Hey jonah, mason. I've never met either of you I don't think, but I'm friends with dylan, dakota, cameron, etc. And recently I've met Matt. He is really good! I've barely just gotten back into skating, but I love what you're doing, and will support you guys fully. I have a couple of editors and am working on being one myself, and have a good connection to a boot camp here in town with quite a wide base. If you need anything let me know. 6617176021. My names patrick by the way. Keep it up!
